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RBC Athletic Trainer

Krysta Cruz, the Red Bank Catholic Head Athletic Trainer, has a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science with minors in Nutrition and Wellness and Psychology from Endicott College. In addition, she has completed her Masters of Athletic Training from Merrimack College and Ms. Cruz is a certified and licensed Athletic Trainer in the State of New Jersey and a member of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA). She has performed clinical rotations through positions in a wide variety of settings such as high school and preparatory schools in Massachusetts and completed a 10 week internship with Villanova Women’s Soccer. Prior to her start at Red Bank Catholic, Krysta worked in physical therapy clinics assisting patients of all ages through rehabilitation exercises and various different treatments to help out through their healing process.

Athletic Training Policies and Procedures

Athletic Training policies and procedures

- The AT is responsible for all in-season athletes

- Athletes are responsible for reporting their injuries IMMEDIATELY to his/her coach and inform the Athletic Trainer of what is occuring

- Office hours begin at 12:45 and end at 3:00

- After 3:00 Krysta can be located at the practice fields or at the season’s games

- Students who wish to see the AT during the school day must obtain a pass

- Students who do not have a pass to the AT will be marked absent from their period classes and will not be excused

- Students are not to miss any class periods to visit the trainer without a pass or written/verbal consent from their teacher

- Appointments can be made with the AT through email

- Students who visit a doctor for an athletic injury during the season will need a note to return back to full athletic participation and the athletic trainer must be notified for clearance to return to play

- Students who visit a doctor during the athletic season must notify the athletic trainer so that the proper legal documentation and insurance forms may be completed

- No students will be permitted to participate in their season without current and approved documents for each season

- Students will not be allowed to participate without current physical and documents on file on healthy roster

Healthy Roster Invitation Sign-up Sheet:



Red Bank Catholic High School is taking an active approach in Concussion management for its athletes by offering Baseline Concussion Testing on a volunteer basis.  The purpose of this testing is to establish a baseline objective of cognitive, balance and oculomotor data to be used for comparison purposes in the unfortunate event that the athlete sustains a head injury in or out of sports competition. This information will be used by the athlete's physician or the team physician in determining return to play clearance. Reminder that all athletes suspected of sustaining a concussion during a game will be immediately removed from play. This testing will objectively determine went the athlete is safely ready to play! Without testing, they may be out longer or returned too soon and be susceptible to further injury. It is recommended that the tests are repeated every year to update the accuracy of the data!

WATCH a VIDEO explaining importance of baseline concussion testing.

Please contact the Athletic Trainer directly with any questions or concerns: