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Booster Club

Red Bank Catholic is proud to have a Booster Club made up of parent volunteers. Our main purpose is to raise money to support the budget of the Athletic Department.

The RBC Booster Club is committed to supporting the school’s Athletic Department by raising funds that contribute to the annual leasing and maintenance of Red Bank’s Count Basie Park. The complex includes multi-use turf fields for baseball, softball, field hockey, lacrosse, football, soccer and track and field. RBC is the only high school in Monmouth County to provide their student athletes with this state-of-the-art athletic facility. Funds raised also benefit a variety of aesthetic improvements in the Eck Student Center, including floor refurbishment, PA system, and the scoreboard, as well as the new Coach Lou Montanaro Field at White Road. We also help defray the cost of student participation in tournaments, out-of-conference games, transportation, uniforms and awards. Without the support of our parents, alumni, friends and business leaders, these initiatives would not be a reality.

Red Bank Catholic students are extraordinary. They are talented, ambitious and driven. They have big dreams. The challenge for us is to give them the tools they need to achieve those dreams.

The “Casey Spirit” defies definition. It is a tradition. It is unwavering faith in the power of “we.” It is a commitment to doing whatever we need to do to give our students the tools and the environment they need to excel. We volunteer, we drum up support, we pitch in. We rely on enthusiastic volunteerism and unparalleled generosity to build programs worthy of our students’ talents, ambitions and dreams.

The investment we make in RBC sports belongs to all Caseys – past, present and future.

We welcome all Casey parents and fans in supporting the Booster Club.

CLICK HERE for Booster Club Events

2024-25 Meeting Dates 

9/9  @  6:30pm

 10/2  @  6:30pm

 11/13  @  6:30pm

  1/15   @  6:30pm

  2/19   @  6:30pm 

  3/26   @  6:30pm

  5/7   @  6:30pm

All meetings in the Eck Center.

Check the Booster Club calendar for the schedule of meetings and events.  We encourage all parents to come to a meeting and join us! 


Dawn Zolek


Beth Dantoni

Vice President

Student Athlete Superstar Sponsorship