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For over 85 years, outstanding Casey athletes, teams and coaches have built a reputation for excellence and sportsmanship.  Their achievements have brought honor to our school, and we now honor them.  In 2015 Red Bank Catholic established an Athletic Hall of Fame, and on June 18, 2016, we held our first Annual Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments of the Inaugural Class.

Graduates of Red Bank Catholic understand the camaraderie and Casey Spirit that binds us to this institution.  In honoring these individuals, we cherish our legacy but also make a commitment to open the doors of our school wider to young men and women lacking the financial means to gain admittance.  We believe in the benefits of a Catholic education, and we endeavor to make it available to all who wish to join the Red Bank Catholic student body. 

In support of this goal, we will dedicate 100% of net proceeds raised each year by the RBC Athletic Hall of Fame to financial assistance for deserving students.